Get Your Sleep Assessment STOP-BANG AssessmentDo you snore?* Yes No Are you constantly tired?* Yes No Has anyone observed you stop breathing during sleep?* Yes No Do you have high blood pressure?* Yes No Are you 50 or older?* Yes No Do you have a large neck?* Yes No Are you a Male?* Yes No Calculate Your BMIWeight (Please use lbs.)*Height - FeetHeight - InchesHiddenCalculation 1 - Height in Inches - HiddenYour BMI Is:Receiving Your ScoresTo receive your sleep apnea risk score, please provide your email and cell phone number in the fields below.Name First Last Email* Phone*This data is collected to provide you with your quiz results and to allow our office to contact you. Sleep Apnea Gurus will never sell or share any of your information with others. We don’t like unsolicited spam either! CAPTCHACommentsThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Sleep Apnea Risk LevelsLow Risk Score: 0 - 20Elevated Risk Score: 30 - 40High Risk Score: 50 or higher